Saturday, December 29, 2012
water dreams
I'm noticing a trend of water dreams recently so I'm going to start posting them as I get them:
I dreamed I was floating on my back in a very still and gleaming river that was curling it's way through a leafy green forest. There was a small waterfall whose drips were curtaining the mouth of a cave, a grotto, and I was floating towards it. It was a very calm, peaceful and comforting dream.
I was inside a huge cavernous room, about the same size as the inside of splash (lively park swim center). Everything was made out of white marble and there where huge, beautiful, wall sized windows that shown glorious light. There were pools of water everywhere, the whole room was made up of marble and light and water. There where marble stairs that I was walking down and along the side of the stairs, instead of a banister were slides or divets for water to run down. I had a camera on a tripod and I was taking pictures of the beautiful room and hopping from dry spot to dry spot because I didn't want to get my camera wet. There was a young girl there and she asked me what I was doing and I told her I was taking pictures. I was just so impressed with how pretty the room was.
I was walking through a forest path, along a river that led to a waterfall. Everything was white and snowy and caked in ice. I thought I was at my grandparents house and this was part of their property on the farm. There were lots of cats in this forest, doing cat things like looking for mice and milling around. It was all beautiful and cold and quiet and peaceful. Derrick and Carly were there and then they werent, they flickered in and out of my dream. I jumped over a do not cross fence to get a better picture of the icy waterfall. There was a cat on the other side of the fence. A bulldozer drove along the frozen river with a giant scoop, breaking up the ice. Then the kids went swimming in the river at the mouth of the waterfall and I thought it would be too cold but they were happy and having fun. I looked and there were pink and blue butterflies in a flock fluttering around the waterfall and then they flew towards me. I walked back up the path to the beginning of the river where there was a log ride and derrick and carly were in it.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was driving home from my night class on the freeway. Cars were rushing past and leaving streams of light and the city lights and stars were bright. In the horizon there was a GIANT silhouette and it was stomping down on the city in the distance, sort of like a toddler impersonating godzilla. It wasn't a scary shadow. I saw it and I was like "aww." It had a crescent grin, like the cheshire cat.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
This is probably a Halloween-induced dream 10.7.12
There was a guy who went by the title of "Ramoni Man". For some reason he had to go into the House of the Dead, which was really just a very old, aboandoned, victorian style mansion. He was supposed to sleep there forever. So he traveled to the house, by horse, and found an old, dusty, cobweb covered bed inside the house and went to sleep.
There was this girl who was in love with him. She knew that he would never wake up again unless she was there, so she found the house and crawled into the dust covered bed and fell asleep next to him, in hopes that they would someday wake up.
Then there were some ghosts. The house was inundated with ghosts. There were all different kinds of ghosts, easy going ones, apathetic ones, mean, cranky ones, they were all pretty much like real people minus the fact that they were ghosts.
There were two ghosts, one was named Su-On, and she was evil, obviously she was based off of The Grudge ghost, and the other was named Alexandria and she was good.
Su-On didn't like that these living people were sleeping in her house so she would throw fits, making blood hang in the air, twisting herself into weird shapes, and meowing in the shower and suchlike. Obviously they were asleep though, so it's not like they noticed or cared.
Alexandria would get annoyed with Su-On and call her a selfish brat and tell her to knock it off.
In the end, the couple woke up and left the mansion, and the thousands of ghosts lined the halls and watched them go.
Monday, September 24, 2012
I've been having a recurring dream about a grey cat named Comstock. I don't even know where the word comstock came from.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
There was a girl with short platinum blond hair, a pixie cut, blue eyes, and a small tattoo of a daisy, done in black, on her right underarm.
She was a happy, accepting, easygoing and goofy kind of girl. She smiled a lot.
Next door lived this guy and his three friends. They were all the same age. They didn't know the girl really well, they knew that they were neighbors and they must have gone to school together, but they weren't overly close. They just had a neighborly relationship.
These guys were goof offs. They were always playing video games or jumping in their car and turning the music up loud and driving fast and laughing loudly. They didn't seem to have any responsibilities.
The girl would watch them. And based on their actions she labeled them as goof offs and then went back to living her life.
The girl had a handful of large, pretty feathers. These feathers could grant wishes, but only for certain people.
The mark on the girls arm indicated that she was a "wishmaker", and could use the feathers.
There were two girls in an old, beat up car- one caucasian, with blue eyes and brown hair, and the other who was tan with brown hair and tawney eyes. They were cousins. They knew about the people called wishmakers and were looking for them.
One day an evil wishmaker used one of their feathers and wished that the guys house would catch on fire, and the people inside would be too distracted to notice that they were being burned alive.
There was an inferno engulfing the house, and it was spreading throughout the neighborhood. There was a tunnel of trees lining the street of their neighborhood, and it was going up in flames, fast. But the people in the house continued laughing through the gagging and smoke poisoning. They kept playing video games even though their skin was melting. Like fanatics. They were obsessed, and wouldn't look away from the TV.
The girl saw and ran into the house to rescue them and wish away the fire, but as soon as she entered the house she got distracted too.
Not all the guys that lived in the house were home. One of them came back from the store and found his house and the rest of the neighborhood burning. At this point it's revealed that he was also a wishmaker, and he ran into the flaming tunnel of trees to wish that the people in the fire would regain their awareness and escape. The spell was broken and they managed to get out of the burning house, but they were horrified to see how much it had spread when they got outside. One of the other guys ran into the burning tunnel to wish away the fire. The fire dissapeared from the neighborhood, and amazingly nothing was damaged. Charred trees were back to normal and melted skin looked as though it had never been touched by the fire. The house stood clean and bright like nothing had ever happened.
Nobody came walking triumphantly out of the tunnel. Oh no, the girl thought, he sacrificed himself to stop the fire.
Even though the effects of the flames had disappeared, there was a crashed car in the tunnel of trees. The thick smoke of the fire had caused the crash. There were two girls inside, the cousins searching for a wishmaker. They hit the boy who had come home from the store and wished the spell on his friends would be broken. None of them survived the crash.
The one who had ran into the tunnel to stop the fire was tangled up in the trees. He appeared unconscious or dead. The girl and the other boy ran under the tree and stared up at him, wondering how to get him down. Branches snapped, and he fell to the ground, landing on his head. With a sinking feeling they realized that if he wasn't dead when he was up the tree, he probably was now.
The girl knelt down next to him with her many feathers. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to heal dead people but she was going to try anyway. She noticed he had a huge, deep gash going up his right underarm, all the way to the bone- his arm was flayed. Under the skin, on his bone he had a tattoo of a black daisy.
Ah, so he had been a wishmaker the entire time. It was really something special when you were one on the inside.
She used three or four of her feathers to heal his arm and his head and neck. She also wished that he would wake up and be no different than before. He woke up.
Then she used another three or four feathers to heal the guy who was hit by the car and had saved them from the house. He also woke up, alive and healthy.
But by then she was out of magic feathers and couldn't do anything for the two girls.
She hugged her dead boys that she had rescued and they hugged her, and everybody was grateful that they were alive and the fire was gone.
The end!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Last night I dreamed that there was a man walking along, eating SKULLS like they were APPLES.
But this didn't bother me for some reason. I was totally indifferent to the skull eating man. It bothered me a lot more when I dreamed that I told everyone I was getting married when I really wasn't and then everybody was going to throw me a big party but they wondered where my fiance was and I lied and said he was a soldier fighting in Afghanistan. The entire time I was thinking "NO KATIE. STOP TALKING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!! NOOOOOOO....!!" And I woke up having a panic attack.
But this didn't bother me for some reason. I was totally indifferent to the skull eating man. It bothered me a lot more when I dreamed that I told everyone I was getting married when I really wasn't and then everybody was going to throw me a big party but they wondered where my fiance was and I lied and said he was a soldier fighting in Afghanistan. The entire time I was thinking "NO KATIE. STOP TALKING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!! NOOOOOOO....!!" And I woke up having a panic attack.
There were three human statues on the bottom of the ocean. Thousands of feet below the water. They had been there for centuries, if not longer.
They had been living people once, before they were turned to stone.
But their spirits still lived, asleep, deep inside the statues.Somehow they were found by explorers of the modern civilization.The explorers immediately realized that they were really living people, trapped in stone bodies at the bottom of the ocean. So they decided to rescue them from the water and break their curse.
After spending so long at the bottom of the ocean, being pushed and pulled by the waves, the stone of the statues had become fragile. One of the statues didn't survive the changes in pressure coming out of the ocean, and crumbled before it reached the surface.
The spirit inside immediately died.
The other two statues miraculously survived the trip. The modern people broke their curse as soon as they were brought to the shore.
It was a man and a woman that were rescued from the ocean. They were curious about where the third had gone, and were grieved to find out the fate of their comrade.
The man and the women hadn't liked each other very much, before they were turned to stone. But now they realized, after thousands of years, that they were all each other had left. They would be miserable without the other in this strange new world. So they took care of each other.
Thats when I woke up.
I was following around characters from my childhood. Half of it took place in a paradisaical city. The other half took place in the deepest trench in the ocean, which is so hard to get to and so hard to survive in it is almost like it's on another planet. Also, it isn't just dark there, it is SCARY dark. It is the farthest away and most disconnected from human kind you could possibly get while still on this earth. Another interesting thing is that about halfway through the dream there was a beach where childhood memories washed up.
I'm not really sure how it starts out. But our main character is Belle, and she is in a big, beautiful city along a coastline. This place is so nice, it clearly doesn't belong on this planet. Everything about it is vivid, the sky, the trees, flowers, fountains, mountains, the ocean, the breeze. It is bustling, sparkling, full of happy people. A very heavenly place, charming, advanced, the best of everything. Crowded yet still very clean. Belle is looking for Beast. She doesn't care about the beautiful city. She just wants to find Beast.
I guess I'm following her around, helping her look.
So anyway, we're out looking for him in this city. Ariel (The Little Mermaid), comes out from an alleyway and catches us. She tells Belle that she knows where Beast is. He was at the bottom of the sea, at the bottom of the very deepest and darkest trench. She had seen his castle when she was coming out of the ocean. And he was still alive inside his inside.
But the ocean is huge, how are we going to find him in there? And if it's in the very darkest part of the ocean, where not even a drop of light light can reach, how will we reach it?
So Ariel decides to help us a little bit. We go to the coast.
The shorline is littered with childhood relics. Washed up from the sea is the Hat from the Cat in the Hat. The spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty. A telescope. The game of Jumanji. Glass slippers. A mirror. Various other familiar items. Finally we come accross what looks like a big yellow boat, covered in seaweed, burried and upside down in the sand. It must represent the Yellow Submarine, because as I come near it I gradually start hearing the song by the Beatles. The three of us dig it out of the sand, brush off the seaweed, flip it over and push it into the water. Then we sail off.
My dream does a hyper-jump at this point.
**Curling out of the darkness are the black spires of Beast's castle. Shadows slither by in the darkness, with ocassional ghostly flickers from the eels and angler fish. At this point in the dream Ariel is gone.
Now we're inside the castle. I don't know how we made it in. It is completely dry inside. The air is still and dead. The drowning blackness outside the castle is nothing compared to the darkness inside. Belle wonders if we should light some torches, but I say no, that would use up our oxygen. The cursed servants from the Disney movie are there, but they are just dead objects, inanimate and lifeless.
Now I am gone and it is just Belle.
She finds Beast. He's curled up in his room, miserable. He won’t look at her, or talk to her. He just stares right through her. He refuses to see what is really there. He is convinced that she is dead. He doesn't believe that any of this is real. He is inconsolable, irrational, and hopeless.
I'm back now, as a disembodied voice. I say that as long as he thinks this way his castle will continue to stay planted at the bottom of the ocean and he will be stuck here forever. In the silence of the dark, as a sad miserable creature all by himself. This makes Belle so sad. She knows the real Beast. She can see flickers of his old human self. She knows who he really is, even if he, or no one else does.
We do another hyper-jump.

Belle spots a black Beast shaped shadow wandering through the city. There he is! We rush into the city and catch up with him there.
Now it's only Belle and Beast. They are back in the underwater castle, walking together down a hallway, talking. She managed to get him up on his feet. As they move and talk the castle starts to float up, off the ocean floor. As I'm watching, I'm thinking about the servants and wondering if they'll get their bodies back. They stop at a piece of furniture and open the cupboard, checking on something. There is an electric meat slicer inside. It turns on and makes a sound like a drill. Belle slams the cupboard door shut. This person who was turned into a meat slicer must have been a bad influence in Beasts life because Belle locks the cupboard door.
By the time they get to the kitchen sunlight is starting to shine through the windows and Beast is back to his old, princely, human self. All of the servants of the castle are in the kitchen, human, happy to see him, blinking in the sunlight, and not really sure what happened. Outside the castle is a beautiful village, surrounded by forest and filled with villagers who missed the castle and are so glad that it's back. Beast conquered his depression, the castle is back to working order, and everyone is happy. The end.
The Fish Dream
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Weird dreams are entertaining, but I really wouldn't mind getting a good nights sleep for once. Seems like my silly brain just doesn't want to rest, even when it's so tired.
That's ok though. At least it wasn't the FISH DREAM.
For 3 years, spanning from a little before I left for college (in 2008) until a little after I moved back (in 2011) I would dream about fish EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. But every night it was a different dream. Some nights it was "Rainbow Space Fish", other nights it was "Floating-In-Air-Jellyfish" or "Glowing-Cannibal-EeI/Betta-Hybrid Fish". There was the "Fish-In-A-Picture-Frame-Growing-Roots-Out-Of-It's-Body" dream. I even had the "Fish Being Eaten Alive By A Black Widow" dream. EW. I couldn't figure out WHY I WAS DREAMING ABOUT FISH.
I tried looking up meanings on the internet, every result I got was "Pregnant women often dream about fish". WHAT. I HAVE BEEN PREGNANT FOR 3 YEARS? How did this happen? Why didn't I notice?? WHY HAVEN'T I GIVEN BIRTH YET SO I CAN STOP HAVING THESE DREAMS?? Obviously, you can't trust dream websites. Anyway, so I thought, maybe if I buy a fish, the dreams will go away. I bought one, it committed suicide*. I bought another one. It died a few weeks later of some kind of yucky fish disease. But it didn't stop the dreams.
My waking mind wasn't much better. Somehow those fish made their way into my subconscious, because all day my brain would be going:
Fish! ahahaha!!! they were driving me crazy!!!
Actually, I think this is the point in my life where I started becoming OCD. oTL
Thanks a lot, fish.
Finally, and thankfully, the dreams just tapered off on their own. I just never want to see another fish. Ever.
*When I moved into my first apartment, I was so lonely, I didn't know anyone in town, so I became very attached to my fish. Oh what fun me and Aziraphale had. When he saw me, he would always come over to the side of the bowl where I was and make cute little gulping faces. I would talk to him a lot, probably more than what was healthy for a sane person. He was a great listener. We had a little game where I would stick a fish food pellet on my finger and hold it above the water and he would jump out of the water and grab it.
Then the terrible day came.
I don't know what I had eaten but I had really bad food poisoning. Azzy's bowl was in the family room. I spent the entire 24 hrs in the bathroom attached to my bedroom violently throwing up and sleeping. I didn't come out of my room at all for like a day and a half.
When I finally was feeling healthy enough to venture out and away from the toilet, I went out front to feed Azzy.
And there he was, all shriveled up and dead on the carpet.
He must have heard me dying in the other room, and jumped out of his bowl to come save me. He was such a good little fishy.
Bless you Azzy. Bless you. And may you rest in peace.
*When I moved into my first apartment, I was so lonely, I didn't know anyone in town, so I became very attached to my fish. Oh what fun me and Aziraphale had. When he saw me, he would always come over to the side of the bowl where I was and make cute little gulping faces. I would talk to him a lot, probably more than what was healthy for a sane person. He was a great listener. We had a little game where I would stick a fish food pellet on my finger and hold it above the water and he would jump out of the water and grab it.
Then the terrible day came.
I don't know what I had eaten but I had really bad food poisoning. Azzy's bowl was in the family room. I spent the entire 24 hrs in the bathroom attached to my bedroom violently throwing up and sleeping. I didn't come out of my room at all for like a day and a half.
When I finally was feeling healthy enough to venture out and away from the toilet, I went out front to feed Azzy.
And there he was, all shriveled up and dead on the carpet.
He must have heard me dying in the other room, and jumped out of his bowl to come save me. He was such a good little fishy.
Bless you Azzy. Bless you. And may you rest in peace.
From time to time I write down my dreams, usually when they are interesting or weird. Last night I had a very bizarre dream, and I actually remember what happened. It's dreams like these that I like to write down. Usually, if I go back and read them a few years later I can kind of figure out what they were about or what waking experiences triggered them.
My dream last night was very bleak. I found myself in a big city that was under a brutal, 9/11esque attack. All around me buildings and towers were burning and crumbling and to the ground. For a minute I seriously thought I was in 9/11. There was shattered glass and explosions, smoke and debris all over. I’m not sure what was going on but I thought it was the end of the world. The sky was dark and active, but I can't remember if it was a thunderstorm (with no rain) or smoke and fire from the buildings, or some kind of war up there or something.
As this was going on little children were floating up into the sky. As they were lifted up their bodies faded away, ghostlike, until they vanished completely. Then their light would speed off into the falling buildings, stopping them from falling. Every little bit of light helped. The more kids that went into a building, the less damaged it became. Every toddler and preschooler in the city floated to the buildings. I felt really sad watching this. The little children were protecting the buildings and the city. I remember thinking they were saving humanity. It was up to the children to save us all.
I was with Derrick who is five, and Carly, who is three, and Jordan. We were running, and trying to take Derrick and Carly out of the city before it was too late and they had to go to the buildings. I kinda didn't want the city to crumble, but I really didn't want to lose Derrick and Carly. There was one particular skyscraper that I kept seeing. It had a perpetual cloud of fire towards the top, with inky black smoke billowing up- suffocating - and shards of glass ballooning out, hanging in the air. This explosion neither expanded nor contracted, it just stayed there, frozen in time, unless a child’s light went into it and made it smaller. The light of the children was causing the building to stand a little straighter, placing windows where they had blown out, compressing the explosion.
I remember being in a moving vehicle speeding away from the city. Jordan had Carly. I was holding Derrick tight and telling him I love him, but in the back of my mind I knew that within a few minutes he and Carly would be next. They would have to go, and it was beyond all of our control. That was just how it was. There was no stopping it. I snuggled with Derrick for a while and then passed him to Jordan and took Carly and snuggled with her. Then Jordan lost hold of Derrick and he floated up in the air and vanished towards the buildings. I was so mad at Jordan because I wanted Derrick and Carly to go TOGETHER. I still had Carly, my sweet little three year old niece with her golden ringlets and her big innocent brown eyes and I didn't want to let go of her and let her go all alone, without Derrick. I kept thinking how she would feel if I let go of her and she had to go all by herself. I can't remember what happened after that, but I think somehow Carly slipped away. It was very sad, and I just wanted to cry the whole time.
Then I shifted into another dream which involved driving really fast on a road that was getting more and more narrow until the cement barrier was scraping the both sides of my nice new car and then jerk behind honked and crashed into me. ARGHH.
What was all that? I have no idea. It could have been that I popped two advils and covered myself in icy hot before bed. All I can say is the last time I do that. Hur hur.
My dream last night was very bleak. I found myself in a big city that was under a brutal, 9/11esque attack. All around me buildings and towers were burning and crumbling and to the ground. For a minute I seriously thought I was in 9/11. There was shattered glass and explosions, smoke and debris all over. I’m not sure what was going on but I thought it was the end of the world. The sky was dark and active, but I can't remember if it was a thunderstorm (with no rain) or smoke and fire from the buildings, or some kind of war up there or something.
As this was going on little children were floating up into the sky. As they were lifted up their bodies faded away, ghostlike, until they vanished completely. Then their light would speed off into the falling buildings, stopping them from falling. Every little bit of light helped. The more kids that went into a building, the less damaged it became. Every toddler and preschooler in the city floated to the buildings. I felt really sad watching this. The little children were protecting the buildings and the city. I remember thinking they were saving humanity. It was up to the children to save us all.
I was with Derrick who is five, and Carly, who is three, and Jordan. We were running, and trying to take Derrick and Carly out of the city before it was too late and they had to go to the buildings. I kinda didn't want the city to crumble, but I really didn't want to lose Derrick and Carly. There was one particular skyscraper that I kept seeing. It had a perpetual cloud of fire towards the top, with inky black smoke billowing up- suffocating - and shards of glass ballooning out, hanging in the air. This explosion neither expanded nor contracted, it just stayed there, frozen in time, unless a child’s light went into it and made it smaller. The light of the children was causing the building to stand a little straighter, placing windows where they had blown out, compressing the explosion.
I remember being in a moving vehicle speeding away from the city. Jordan had Carly. I was holding Derrick tight and telling him I love him, but in the back of my mind I knew that within a few minutes he and Carly would be next. They would have to go, and it was beyond all of our control. That was just how it was. There was no stopping it. I snuggled with Derrick for a while and then passed him to Jordan and took Carly and snuggled with her. Then Jordan lost hold of Derrick and he floated up in the air and vanished towards the buildings. I was so mad at Jordan because I wanted Derrick and Carly to go TOGETHER. I still had Carly, my sweet little three year old niece with her golden ringlets and her big innocent brown eyes and I didn't want to let go of her and let her go all alone, without Derrick. I kept thinking how she would feel if I let go of her and she had to go all by herself. I can't remember what happened after that, but I think somehow Carly slipped away. It was very sad, and I just wanted to cry the whole time.
Then I shifted into another dream which involved driving really fast on a road that was getting more and more narrow until the cement barrier was scraping the both sides of my nice new car and then jerk behind honked and crashed into me. ARGHH.
What was all that? I have no idea. It could have been that I popped two advils and covered myself in icy hot before bed. All I can say is the last time I do that. Hur hur.
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